Explore the site to find out about the services we offer, our opening hours, staff information and contact details. Use the navigation bar above, the drop-down menus, and the icons to access our main information pages. Upload the website to your smartphone or tablet to get our information on the go. Visit our Facebook page, and ‘like’ if you want to be kept up-to-date with our latest news.
If you are coming to the area and wish to permanently register as a patient; or you are staying with us for a short period of time (less than 3 months) and wish to register as a temporary patient, you can complete the registration process from your PC or smartphone / tablet device in advance of your arrival so that we have the information registered on our system when you arrive. Just select Register as a New Patient from the home page.
Access and Parking
All areas of the practice are accessible to wheelchairs, we have a hearing induction loop at reception and access to translation services for those whose first language is not English. We ask all visitors not to use the designated parking bays marked for our staff and avoid blocking access to the Medical Practice.